Have you ever noticed someone who looks absolutely youthful, but her neck and hands looks like it is from another decade? The neck and hands are often the first signs to betray one's age, but sadly they are often neglected and not given the much-needed care and attention!
The neck ages much older faster than any part of your body as its skin is way thinner and more delicate than that of your face. On the other hand, washing the dishes daily with hot water and abrasive dish soaps strip away the natural oil in your skin, causing it to be parched and even flaky looking.
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While it is much easier to retain the moisture on your hands by applying hand cream frequently, caring for your neck is much more complicated.
Don't let your neck look appear like your actual age when your face looks like 20s. Toss away the ugly turkey necks, and flaunt your neckline with these tips!
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Equal treatment as your face
Moisturise your neck twice daily just like how you will do it for your face. Even though what you use on your face is perfectly fine, it is always more advisable to invest in a neck-specific formula. Try Chái Gold Oil that is specially formulated with antioxidants, fatty acids and retinol to smooth fine lines, hydrate and brighten the neckline. If you are looking for a very intensive treatment, grab SW1 Marvel Neck Drape which is infused with collagen essence and purifying ingredients to fight wrinkles and photodamage to reveal a swanlike neck.Neck-lifting Treatment
“Non-invasive methods like lasers and microdermabrasion help to stimulate deep dermis to produce natural collagen and other vital proteins that make up healthy, youthful skin,” says Dr Low Chai Ling, founder of SW1 Clinic.SW1 Clinic’s highly coveted Thermage and Ultherapy are most popular among patients who seen obvious tighter skin, improved skin texture and renewed facial contours. Thermage's radiofrequency furnish a breath of new life to collagen fibre to tighten and lift droopy skin, while Ulthera penetrates precisely by clinic ultrasound to stimulate deep layer collagen over a period of time for intense firming and suppleness from within.
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Garnering the synergy of Ulthera and Thermage together with Exilis Lift and Sygma Lift, Trinity Facelift Program is a series of special treatment by SW1 that rewinds the toil of ageing, sagginess and wrinkles from your face, all the way from the upper neck. You'll be ready to throw away all the scarfs or collar shirt that you've been spotted in for years.
Exercise your neck
One of the main culprits of accelerating neck ageing is our addiction to the smartphone! Our heads weigh between 4.5kg and 5.4kg, as we angle them down to look at our phones, the effective weight on our necks increases – at a 15-degree angle, it is about 12kg rising to 27kg at 60 degrees. This alarming bad posture causes not just danger to our health but signs of ageing are shown faster than ever before! Add some simple neck exercises daily to relief your sore Tech Neck.
- Extend your chin and move your lower jaw forward. Repeat 10 times.
- Look straight ahead, look up at the ceiling and hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 20 times.
- Form an 'O' with your mouth, pull down the sides of your mouth until you feel the muscles underneath your neck working. Repeat this thrice in quick succession. Repeat 20 sets.
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